Monday, December 30, 2013
PLEASE READ: Alpha Dawg Jim Zieglers Article: "Helter Skelter: An Industry on the Brink of Revolution"
This is a discussion I've been wanting to have for quite some time with fellow industry pros. The recent article from Jim Ziegler has been on my mind since it came out. In his article, Jim foreshadows his terrifying prediction that the industry is on the brink of a major revolution (not in a good way) by likening it to the radical changes of the 1960's as sung about by The Beatles in their song "Helter Skelter".
This seismic shift has been underway for quite some time. It's been on my mind for years (CarMax's 'wal-mart' type model put the fear into me years ago). I believe it is very closely related the industry wide VENDOR DATA THEFT issues that Jim also has talked about in his Data-Wars discussions.
Some automotive vendors seem to have the ultimate goal of taking your dealerships data, so as to figure out how to cut your retail dealership out of the equation and sell direct to your customers...They are already shifting their advertising schemes to plant and nurture a poisonous seed of 'just-under-the-radar" disdain and dis-trust for your dealership by your customers.
It is my opinion that Elon Musk of Tesla, could very well be leading (quite intentionally) the start of the end of the franchise system in the U.S. I grew up in Detroit, most everybody in my life and family were involved in the car business in one way or another, I took my first sales job at a Chrysler Dodge Jeep store in Michigan 6 days after I turned 18 years old. The dealership world is 100% who I am. The manufacturers would not necessarily be harmed in such a transition, the dealers and their employees absolutely would. I am enraged at these Vendors (TrueCar, CarFax etc), but I am not the one paying them to steal from me and portray my company as a criminal enterprise.
Would love to hear from some of our dealers about this...

10 Things To Know About Creating A Successful Automotive Direct Mail Campaign

Direct Mail is a vital part of advertising for many businesses both large and small. In my opinion, no business has as much to gain from a well planned and properly managed Direct Mail campaign as a franchised Auto Dealer.

Below, we've compiled some of the top priorities we've learned to live by over the years. Every campaign is different as is every dealer, but if you stick to the basics, you have a great shot at a big ROI!

1.)  The 40/40/20 Rule: The Unwritten Rule of Direct Mail (Well, I Guess It Is Written Now...). Many direct mail professionals agree that the success of your direct mail campaign depends at least 40% on your mailing segment list, 40% on your CTA offer, and 20% on your creative proof.

2.) Segment, Segment, Segment! your target mailing list! Use ad language and images (photos & graphics) that speak directly to your target prospects based on that segmentation. You wouldn't want to speak to a senior citizen the same way about shopping for a car as you would speak to a college aged person would you? Of course not. Psychology of "mirroring you client" certainly apply here! Also, keep in mind how your mail company is targeting your campaign, many vendors will use an unfiltered post-office list to save money on the campaign!

3.) 99% of Direct Mail includes some kind of an offer, whether it’s a free gift, a coupon, special sale or information. What is your CTA offer? How do you mobilize your prospect is the question. Important to make it as strong as you can.

4.) No Scatter-Brain Ad-Copy  A single idea usually works best. Choose your overall message and convey it as clearly as possible.

5.) Headline is critical. Make it stand out. The 'Headline' on your mail piece is the BRAND of the campaign, it is the CONCEPT that you are selling. Speak directly to your audience and promise a benefit. You must give them a REASON to look into your mailing. (Particularly if your message is stuffed in an envelope).

6.) Short and Simple. Write, edit, edit and then edit again. Give them enough info to peak their interest but not enough that they don't want to ask questions and respond. 

7.) Personalize it. Write to a human being. Outline how your offer will benefit them and why your the best for them individually. Include personalized flares like Variable Data, Personalized Micro-sites etc.

8.) Easy On The Eyes  Use colors, designs, and graphic concepts that do not overwhelm the recipient or cause eye strain.

9.) Pay Attention To How YOU Read The Ad:  A reader’s eyes will usually naturally go to the largest photo first, then the second, and so on. How will most people "skim" the ad (impressions matter, only 1-3% will respond live to your CTA but if you are using a self-mailer...nearly 100% will view your message (tailor it to your entire segment).

10.) Choices, Choices, Choices: Human beings are very busy and constantly moving, your campaign must have options to redeem offer/respond-- a toll-free number, e-mail, response card, personalized micro-site, mailing list request, etc. If your prospect does not have a host of options available, the chances of them making time drop significantly for a portion of the segment.

There you have it! A list of our top ten "Most Important" Factors To Remember When Your Dealership Plans It's Next Automotive Direct Mail Campaign.

Saturday, December 28, 2013
I've heard it all over the almost every market. Dealers and Advertisers alike have been trying to tell me for years that Direct Mail marketing was dated, ineffective, and on it's way out the back door... [usually coming from folks who either never tried the medium, or tried quite briefly with a bad result].

With the advent of other popular ad mediums popping up all over the place I can certainly see how one might arrive at that conclusion. It's quite easy to think that because of Social Media, Internet, and Email that direct mail messages are falling on deaf ears. I'm here to say that in fact- quite the opposite is true.

Since 2010 My company (and companies I was a partner in) printed almost 11,000,000 (with an M) Direct Mail Pieces for almost 150 dealers Nationwide. In that time, we have noticed some glaring changes in the results that we were getting for our dealers (in a good way). Our response rates have nearly doubled since 2010, our campaigns are averaging more sold units for higher gross profits and attracting more new market share than ever before.

In 2012 The Direct Marketing Agency rated Direct Mail Marketing as having THE LOWEST CPL Cost-Per-Lead and the HIGHEST conversion rate. 

The point is that Direct Mail never went away, and in my opinion will only become a more important part of Automotive Advertising and outreach than ever before. With a higher conversion rate than virtually any other ad medium, the Print On Demand Institute (PODI) concluded that direct mail consistently out-drew all other marketing channels tested in terms of conversion rates, both for lead-generating “free-by” offers and one-step “buy it now” type offers.

Direct mail’s edge in Automotive Advertising becomes even more pronounced and dramatic when it is optimized with premiums such as Mail Widgets, Variable Data, Variable Image, Personalized Landing Pages, Social Share Elements and many other factors on top of strong ad-copy.

Agree or Disagree overall, you cannot argue that mailboxes are far less cluttered today...and if for NO OTHER REASON ON EARTH...your dealerships CTA and AD-Message have a better chance of being seen by your prospect if you put it in their mailbox as opposed to on their Television, over the Radio Waves, or into an "Email-Blast"

There are a lot of pit-falls and traps that are easy to get caught in for dealers who are using Direct Mail or Staffed Event programs for the first time (namely- logistics). Coordinating a large mail campaign or Staffed Event can be quite daunting to those who've never tried it themselves. It is certainly much easier to plan a T.V. or Radio spot...or to drop a generic full page ad in the weekend edition of your local newspaper...


-Your T.V. Commercial can be Skipped (Automatically, by some providers)
- Newspaper and Magazine are fading to black -People get their news online these days 
- Your opt-in email campaigns might keep your current customers in the loop, but are you gaining market share and growing? or just retaining?

You are likely NEVER going to send out an email that will draw nearly the volume of new 'walk-in' opportunities in a matter of a couple days that a properly managed direct mail campaign can draw. You will never be able to average over $3,000 gross front-end profit on one of your Cars.Com sites...and how many Hot-Leads have you pulled off of your dealerships FaceBook account or Twitter Feed? (if you are like most dealers, not many yet).

Direct mail can be a beautiful addition to ALL of your Online, Social, and Digital Ad Efforts. I believe (and have confirmed through practice) that these 2 advertising mediums only enhance each other. Something to chew on and experiment for yourself with.

-Earl Brown
President, Drive Promotions

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